Fees should be paid regularly without delay. Board students should pay their fees before the preliminary examination. Those who cannot pay the fees together at one installment can pay it in three installments.

1st installment 



2nd installment



3rd installment



KGRs: 130001st   Sem   Rs: 45002nd Sem   Rs: 45003rd Sem  Rs: 4000
I- IIRs: 140001st   Sem   Rs: 50002nd Sem   Rs: 40003rd  Sem   Rs: 4000
III-IVRs: 142001st   Sem   Rs: 50002nd Sem   Rs: 50003rd Sem  Rs: 4200
V-VIIIRs: 155001st   Sem   Rs: 50002nd Sem   Rs: 60003rd Sem  Rs: 4500
IX-XRs: 171001st   Sem   Rs: 60002nd Sem   Rs: 60003rd Sem  Rs: 5100


If the fee is paid after the prescribed due date, Rs.5/-per day will be charged as fine for the first 10 days and Rs. 10 thereafter. Payment beyond the end of the month of each term, will be treated as RE-ADMISSION and a penalty of Rs-2000/- is payable.

Parents are requested to pay the fees on time and avoid paying fine.